Light abaya summer

Light and flowing abaya

  • What is an abaya ?

An abaya is a long dress that covers the entire body except for the hands and face. There are many different abayas, some are very modern with different cuts and designs and others are more traditional and simple. It is a garment intended for Muslim women. The abaya is the star piece of a veiled woman because with just an abaya and a matching hijab. The outfit is complete with only two pieces. It is also very practical for seasons like summer and spring because it is loose and wide, and it lets the coolness pass more easily.

  • When to wear an abaya?

There are many occasions such as the holiday: Eid to wear abayas. You can find abayas, especially for ceremonies with satin abayas or even kimonos abayas. Surf the site to find nuggets! It is also possible to wear abayas in everyday life, so opt for more traditional and simple abayas like the Saudi umm islem abaya or even a straight kheira abaya. There is a multitude of abayas waiting to be worn. Discover our entire collection now! Redesign your wardrobe to start the hot season!

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